5 Powerful Reasons Why Kwara Youths Must Get Involved in Politics

5 Powerful Reasons Why Kwara Youth Must Get Involved in Politics

The 2023 general elections in Nigeria have come and gone, and as we look forward to the 2027 elections, it is important to take stock of what we have learned. 

One of the most important lessons is the need for greater youth participation in politics. 

In Kwara State, this is especially relevant, as the youth can play a vital role in shaping the future of the state and the country.

For too long, politics has been viewed as the exclusive domain of the wealthy and well-connected

However, this mindset is changing, as more and more young people are becoming politically engaged and making their voices heard. 

The youths of Kwara State have the power to bring about positive change, and it is crucial that they are encouraged and supported in their efforts.

In this article, I will explore five compelling reasons why Kwara youths must get involved in politics. 

These reasons are based on the belief that the youths can play a critical role in shaping the future of Kwara State and Nigeria as a whole. 

Despite the challenges that the youths may face, there are numerous benefits to be gained by getting involved in politics, and I will explore these in detail. 

If you're a young person in Kwara State, it's time to step up and take an active role in shaping the future of your state and your country. 

You may feel that politics is not your thing, or that you don't have the experience or knowledge necessary to participate. 

But the truth is, your involvement is crucial if we want to create a better society for all.  So, let's dive in and explore the reasons why you should get involved in Kwara politics.

By the end of this article, I hope to have convinced you of the importance of youth participation in politics, and to have inspired you to take action.

5 Compelling Reasons Why Kwara Youths Must Get Involved in Politics

1. Representation

5 Powerful Reasons Why Kwara Youth Must Get Involved in Politics

Representation is a key aspect of politics, and it refers to the concept of individuals or groups acting on behalf of others. 

In the context of democracy, representation is about ensuring that the people's voices and interests are heard and taken into account in the decision-making process. 

This is particularly important for marginalized groups, such as young people, who may not have the resources or platforms to make their voices heard.

When it comes to representation in politics, there are different forms of representation that can be considered. 

These include descriptive representation, which involves having elected officials who share the characteristics of the constituents they represent, such as age, gender, or ethnicity. 

This form of representation is important as it helps to ensure that the perspectives and needs of marginalized groups are taken into account.

Another form of representation is substantive representation, which focuses on the actions and policies of elected officials. 

This form of representation is concerned with how elected officials represent the interests of their constituents and how they work to address their needs and concerns.

For Kwara youths, representation is crucial as we young Kwarans make up a significant portion of the population but we are often underrepresented in politics. 

By getting involved in politics, we young people can ensure that our voices are heard and that our concerns are addressed by elected officials. 

This can lead to policies and programs that better reflect the needs and aspirations of young people in Kwara State.

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2. Change

5 Powerful Reasons Why Kwara Youth Must Get Involved in Politics

Change is one of the most important reasons why you, as a Kwara youth, should get involved in politics. 

In a rapidly changing world, progress is only possible through your willingness to embrace new ideas and approaches. 

As a young person, you are often at the forefront of these changes, with fresh perspectives and innovative solutions to the challenges we face.

In politics, change is essential for meaningful progress. 

Without change, there can be no growth, and without growth, society will stagnate. 

This is why it is crucial for you, as a young person, to be actively involved in the political process. 

As the future leader of the country, you have the power to shape policies and drive change.

By getting involved in politics, you can push for policies and programs that reflect your needs and aspirations. 

You can bring fresh perspectives to the table and challenge the status quo, leading to more innovative and effective solutions to the challenges facing the state and the country as a whole.

Moreover, political involvement can help you build the skills and experience you need to become effective leaders in your communities and beyond. 

By engaging in the political process, you can develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills that will serve you well in all areas of your life.

In summary, change is a catalyst for progress, and as a Kwara youth, you have a critical role to play in driving change in the political arena. 

By getting involved in politics, you can push for policies and programs that reflect your needs, develop important skills and experience, and help shape the future of the state and the country.

3. Future Leaders

5 Powerful Reasons Why Kwara Youth Must Get Involved in Politics

As a young person in Kwara State, you are the future leader of tomorrow. 

The decisions made by the leaders of today will have a direct impact on your life, as well as the lives of future generations. 

By getting involved in politics, you have the opportunity to shape the future and create a better society for all. 

You have the power to influence policies and programs that will directly affect your community and the people around you.

It is important to recognize that the leaders of tomorrow are not born, they are made. 

By taking an active role in the political process today, you are preparing yourself for a future leadership position. 

Through your involvement in politics, you will gain valuable experience in leadership, communication, teamwork, and problem-solving. 

These skills will not only serve you well in your future political career, but also in your personal and professional life.

By becoming a part of the political process, you will be able to contribute your unique perspective and ideas to the decision-making process. 

Your voice matters, and by using it, you can help to ensure that the needs and interests of young people are represented in the political arena.

Remember, as a young person in Kwara State, you are the future leader of tomorrow. 

By getting involved in politics today, you can help to shape the future of the state and the country and make a positive impact on the lives of others.

4. Civic Responsibility

5 Powerful Reasons Why Kwara Youth Must Get Involved in Politics

Civic Responsibility is the duty of every citizen to actively participate in the democratic process of their country. 

As a young person in Kwara State, it is your responsibility to engage in politics and have a say in the decisions that affect your life and the lives of those around you. 

By registering to vote and casting your ballot, you are taking an active role in shaping the future of your state and the country as a whole.

But it doesn't stop there. 

Civic Responsibility also means staying informed about the issues that affect your community and taking action to make a positive change. 

This could involve attending community meetings, joining local organizations, or even running for office yourself. 

By taking ownership of your civic responsibilities, you are not only making a difference in your own life, but also contributing to the greater good of society.

In Kwara State, youths make up a significant portion of the population and therefore have a powerful voice in the political process. 

By getting involved and exercising your civic responsibility, you have the potential to create real change and make a lasting impact on your community. 

So, don't underestimate the power of your voice and your actions. Get involved in politics, stay informed, and take ownership of your civic responsibility as a young citizen of Kwara State.

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5. Power

5 Powerful Reasons Why Kwara Youth Must Get Involved in Politics

One of the most significant reasons why you should get involved in politics is power. 

By participating in the political process, you can have a say in the decisions that affect your life and the lives of those around you. 

This power can be used to push for policies that are in your best interests and hold elected officials accountable for their actions.

Politics is all about power, and you have the power to make a difference. 

Historically, young people have been instrumental in bringing about change in societies worldwide. 

From the Civil Rights Movement in the United States to the Arab Spring in the Middle East, young people have been at the forefront of social and political change.

In Kwara State, we have the power to influence the political system positively. 

With our sheer numbers, we can push for policies that promote better education, healthcare, and job opportunities. 

By getting involved in politics, we can advocate for policies that promote gender equality, better representation for marginalized groups, and environmental sustainability.

Furthermore, we can also use our power to hold elected officials accountable for their actions. 

By participating in the political process, we can monitor the performance of elected officials and push for accountability when necessary. 

This can help ensure that elected officials prioritize the needs of their constituents and work towards the betterment of society.

FAQs on Reasons Why Kwara Youths Must Get Involved in Politics

What is the age requirement to get involved in politics in Kwara State?

The minimum age requirement to get involved in politics in Kwara State is 18 years old.

Do I need to have a political background to get involved in politics in Kwara State?

No, you don't need to have a political background to get involved in politics in Kwara State. 

Anyone who is interested in making a positive impact in their community and has the passion and dedication to do so can get involved in politics.

What are some ways I can get involved in politics as a youth in Kwara State?

There are various ways you can get involved in politics as a youth in Kwara State, such as joining a political party, volunteering for a political campaign, attending political rallies and events, or running for a political office.

What are some benefits of getting involved in politics as a youth in Kwara State?

Some benefits of getting involved in politics as a youths in Kwara State include having a say in decision-making processes that affect your community, gaining leadership and communication skills, networking with other like-minded individuals, and contributing to positive change in your society.

What are some of the challenges youths may face when getting involved in politics in Kwara State?

Some of the challenges youths may face when getting involved in politics in Kwara State include lack of experience, limited resources, and resistance from the older generation who may not see youth as capable of leading or making meaningful contributions.

How can these challenges be overcome?

These challenges can be overcome by seeking out mentorship and guidance from experienced politicians or community leaders, finding ways to build your skills and knowledge in politics and governance, leveraging technology and social media to connect with others and spread your message, and persisting in your efforts despite any setbacks or obstacles.

Conclusion on Reasons Why Kwara Youths Must Get Involved in Politics

In conclusion, we the youth play a critical role in the political process. 

By getting involved in politics, we can ensure that our voices are heard, challenge the status quo, and contribute to the development of the country. 

We are the future leaders of the country, and it is essential that we are involved in the political system to create a better future for all. 

So, it is high time for we Kwara youths to get involved in politics and make our mark on the political landscape of the state.

SEE ALSO: Top 10 Most Popular Politicians in Ilorin You Need to Know About

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By the way, what do you think about Kwara politics? 

Put your your opinion in the comment section below.


Atotileto Sulyman is an Internet entrepreneur, Realtor, and Founder of Realtybox.com.ng – Nigeria’s #1 Real Estate Resource Site.

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